Sound Tubes (interior and exterior)
Sound Tubes, also called tubular bells or chimes, are available in many different diameters and lengths. The tuned brass tubes are characterized by a clear, long sustaining resonance.
The harmonic spectrum, the sound quality and timbre are depending strongly on the size of the tubes. Our Sound Tubes are available in any desired frequency between 80Hz and ca.4000Hz. (Fundamental).
The long lasting resonance of the chimes surpasses all other acoustic instruments.
The extraordinary brilliance can only be achieved by hand polishing.
Therapists can combine the Sound Tubes with various forms of therapy like Alexander technique, Feldenkrais, Rolfing, all kind of massages, Yoga, Chi Gong, etc..
They are used to create a clear and pleasant atmosphere as well as a space of confidence and centering.
Precise tunes can be selected for calming, balancing or stimulating. Respective meridians in our bodies are stimulated by different fundamental Notes. Repressed emotions or traumas are often revealed during therapy when different melodies are played.
Selection of possible tunes:
• harmonizing
• centering
• stimulating
• energetic cleaning (for living and working spaces)
• Notes according to the Chinese 5 Element Philosophy
• Sound of the planets (f. Cousto)
• Overtone tuning
• Pythagorean tuning
• Pure Mode
• Tempered mode
• Chromatic, diatonic mode
• Pentatonic, hexatonisch
• Individually choosen sequencies and frequencies
